WARNING!!! In this status has a VIRUS . . . When you like this post its become a comment and when you comment on this post its become like so… Read more »
WARNING!!! In this status has a VIRUS . . . When you like this post its become a comment and when you comment on this post its become like so… Read more »
I’ll be getting married on April 31. All of you are invited.
Press Ctrl + W to see something amazing on your computer screen.
Its April fools day so be careful its the only day all of the fools are out at once. 😛
Hit ALT + F4 it’s epic! It pulls up Youtube!!!
A fool and his money get a lot of publicity.
I likes to spend this day remembering all of the idiots who have come and gone in my life.
Today if anyone praises you for your beauty, personality, style or attitude, Just kick him. How dare he fool you before April 1st.
You could just change your birthday to April first, watch everyone write happy birthday on your wall, and at the end of the day make your status.
Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.