The Only Unsinkable Ship
The only unsinkable ship is FRIENDSHIP.
The only unsinkable ship is FRIENDSHIP.
A man with millions of dollars still is not rich if he has no friends.
Friendship is like a bank. Don’t expect to get to much out if you don’t put something in.
Best Friends are made are made through smiles and tears, and sometimes that fades away through miles and years.
Friendship is like a golden chain, the links are the friends we hold so dear.
Friendship: A language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.
Friendship is like a garden. It is beautiful when it is watered and tended to with love and care of prayers, hugs, tears and cheers, but it will be withered… Read more »
Friends are like poems, you may never fully understand them, but you will always love them.
A friend is someone who reaches for your hand, but touches your heart.
Friendship is talking to your best friend without words.