Best Friend Like A Stars
Best Friend like a stars in the night sky.. Not always appear, but always there for us 😀
Best Friend like a stars in the night sky.. Not always appear, but always there for us 😀
Friends are like your backbone. They are always there when you need support.
Without humor, life is boring. Without love, life is hopeless. Without friends like you, life is impossible!
Friends are forever, until one of them gets a boyfriend.
Friendship isn’t about whom you’ve know the longest. It’s about who came and never left your side.
True friends do not share lies but do share the truth about lies.
One million memories, ten thousand inside jokes, one hundred shared secrets, one reason: Best Friends.
Good friends get mad if you wake them up when you call, a best friend asks what took you so long to call.
A good friend asks what you’re thinking. A best friend is already telling you it’s a bad idea.
True friends are like diamonds pure and rare. Fake friends are like leaves found everywhere.